What is the Quantum Financial System? (Short Documentary)

Published on September 3, 2020 by admin

What is the Quantum Financial System?

What is Quantum Financial System? The QFS is an advanced financial system launched to eradicate the the cabal and the banksters monopoly on the monetary system. For that purpose, a system comprised of Artificial Intelligence and complex computer programs fully backed by banks is needed. The Quantum Financial System is a breakthrough in the world of banking which will lead to a new era of banking. QFS will not be influenced by Government policies. Rather, it will be entirely backed by tangible assets like Gold, Platinum, and Oil, and will not be based upon mere pieces of paper which have no evidentiary value.

Modern Era Barter System

The QFS can be called the modern era Barter System in which you have to give value in order to receive something of equal value. The current world financial system is based on the principle in which your money is backed by debt which has already been taken from you with high interest rates. In the way that the world economy is flowing currently, it is serving only one purpose: to fill the pockets of a handful of families.

Reimburse Debts

When the QFS launches then all the indebted countries will be able to reimburse all of their debts by exporting their natural minerals and resources. If we have a look at the current situation of Iraq then beneath the ice, we will come to know that due to the massive debts of Iraq, it is quite tough for them to launch RV because a country simply cannot revalue its currency when it is in debt. Contrary to that if you repay all that you are owing with interest then it is quite possible to enhance your exports which will revalue your currency.

Iraq is a land that has Natural Oil worth trillions of dollars. For this reason, Iraq is still the 5th most wealthy country in the world in gold reserves, despite all odds. In the Iraqi Dinar community, the gurus are of opinion that this is a pragmatic approach towards the RV (revaluation) of the Iraqi Dinar.

QFS will Revalue Recessive Currencies

Initiation of the QFS is essential for investors of Recessive currencies. The QFS is the only solution that will allow these recessive currencies to be Revalued. And without the influence of the dominant currencies. In the due process of QFS, the world economies will enter into a new era of bartering. The countries which are backed by enough natural valuable assets will have a certain opportunity to make their currency dominant in the Financial markets.

Another rumor which comes from the investment resource is that China was the first to initiate the Quantum Financial System by initiating the Digital Currency Electronic Payment. As an investor in US Dollars, my concern is regarding the future of the US Dollar after the initiation of QFS.

QFS and its Effects on the US Dollar

Surprisingly the US Dollar index is rising with every passing week, despite the plandemic. It is dominating over other major currencies like Yuan and Euro. The Iraqi Dinar can benefit from the rising index of the US Dollar. That is, as long as its economy doesn’t rely on the country’s Oil and remains stable.

There are two major reasons for the rising index of the US Dollar. Firstly, the Federal Reserve is pushing trillions of Dollars into the financial system in order to enhance liquidity in the foreign financial markets. Also, so that central banks can vanquish the Yuan and secure a place for the US greenback. Secondly, the sanction on Chinese products is starting to play its part in the demand of US Dollar.

But as far as QFS is concerned, QFS will certainly hit the US Dollar and will control its artificial fluctuations. These fluctuations only give benefits to the Wall Street giant Dollar investors. These greedy men are accustomed to making millions from single investments by manipulating the US Dollar fluctuations.

China play in Digital Dominance

It is also important to look at the economic war between China and US on the Digital Currency Electronic Payment. Before the wave of Coronavirus, China had launched its first automated payment system. It was formally named DECP which was to be based on their currency Renminbi Yuan. The purpose of DECP was to enhance transactions outside China. This would be done by bypassing the US transactional and financial system. The US has now controlled the China economy and is strictly laying down numerous restrictions on its trade and economy.

The latest update is that the Federal Reserve is working on digital dollar wallets. These will be initially used for the stimulus package amount transfers. This is because most US citizens do not have access to banks for cash deposits and withdrawals. However, in the next stage, it will be used for international trade and transactions. All these signs are pointing towards the QFS launch. While in this play the US is dominating and the US Dollar will remain a major player. However, the US Dollar is still a piece of paper so it is best to transform your wealth into commodities. Assets such as Gold, Platinum, and Silver. These assets have been valuable since the beginning of time and will remain valuable until the end of time.

Prophecies on QFS

The battle to dominate digital currencies will push the world towards gold-backed assets. It will be operated on a system that will be controlled by none of the Governments or Cabal. In the technology of QFS, the AI will be the one to operate all the trades and transactions. No matter whether it will be of currency investments or intercontinental transactions between the countries. AI will act according to the balance of trades and will remain unbiased which is the major quality of QFS. For the last decade, a US-based economic think tank has stated


This is the era that will fulfill this idea.

QFS and Blockchain

Now if we discuss the Quantum Financial System and its interrelation with Blockchain and future banking then we come to know that QFS is dealing in blockchain, shared ledgers, and distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, and digital currencies. QFS is stored and operates on satellite-based servers based on Quantum Computing. The reason for this is that Quantum Computing is more secure and advanced.

Because of its pattern of processing, quantum computing uses two or more quantum states together to create another state. It does this by firing electrons through semiconductors using a configurable pulse of light which results in the fastest state of speed. That’s why Quantum Computers store far more information requiring less energy and deliver more speed than current state computers.

Will QFS Revalue Iraqi Dinar

After the launch of QFS, the Gold-backed era will emerge.  All the currencies that are in a worthless state due to their country’s debts will be revalued. QFS will also impact global trade as it would alter the financial system of the world. The Iraqi Dinar Gurus are of the opinion that RV will be launched as soon as QFS takes over because Iraq will be able to stabilise its economy by increasing the volume of its exports.




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  • Obunso Amaechi Ignatius 4 years ago

    I’m happy to be part of this Noble opportunity thanks.

  • Oloyede Taiwo 4 years ago

    Good financial plan and pronect to eliminate banks monoploy

  • Elendu Jecinta 4 years ago

    1 The qfs is an advanced financial system launched to eradicate cabal and the banksters monopoly on the monetary system. (2) I learn dat qfs ends corruption that could currently exist with regard to central banking.

  • Nura muhammad naibi 4 years ago

    Qfs will set the world free from financial monopolies
    Qfs will play a vital role in dealing with gold- back ed asset.
    Qfs will make people to have financial freedom,

  • Ojobor Paul chimaobi 4 years ago

    Looking at these, I can see that Nigeria have a lot of uncleared debts, and our currency cannot upgrade because of that, Nigeria should take advantage of the method of these child basic income to clear there debt and become Great again, only with the help of inksnation that Nigeria can do that!!!
    Thanks UDI

  • JoeMcpherson 4 years ago

    Quantum financial system provides security in the movement of currency from Central banking to the individual accounts. One of the advantages of quantum financial system is that it protects different parties from manipulation within the banking system, and ensure that banks are being monitored and protected as or according to the said agreement concerning how the funds should be transferred. Finally quantum financial system is not a crypto currency but assets backed by digital currency and lastly, it is completely independent from the already existing centralised system.

  • Irekeola idris 4 years ago

    If it work out its a great movement

  • Nwokedi basil 4 years ago

    The quantum financial system is a breakthrough in the world of banking which will lead to a new era of banking. QFS will not be influenced by government policies, rather it will be extremely backed by tangible asset like gold, platinum and oil and will not be based upon mere piece of paper which have no evidentry value… QFS is also the only solution which will slow these recessive currencies to be revalued.

  • KANANA ahmed 4 years ago

    1 is better than many because from 1 you start to count no limit

  • Umeh chioma Stella 4 years ago

    That’s nice

  • Yahaya saminu 4 years ago

    It’s very nice blockchain and good, blockchain it’s real legit

  • Oluleye Jonathan 4 years ago

    QFS main objective is to eradicate the cabal and banksters Monopoly, we see that money causes most of the attrocity just as the word of says money is the root of all evil,the same thing applicable to the case of Nigeria. There are some cabal in some places in politics, at work places etc using the influence of Fiat money to monopolize people.so we can see the inksnation has come up with an idea to reduced poverty through the block chain. inksnation has come with a better idea because QFS has for seeing that in very recent time artificial intelligence will be the solution to subdue the cabal,and the side effect is that unemployment will ravage the nation,so the America has not come up with the solution of this unemployment that articial intelligence mighty cause but INKSNATION has improvise the solution to his community to benefit through his block chain,INKSNATION is built around a phillatropic in which his member will earn a daily stepped,The Universal basic income where every member will be entitled to collect a daily allowance.And that is the reason why inksnation is having edge over QFS. Thanks

    • Sheila Montoya 4 years ago

      Thank you for sharing information

      • admin 4 years ago

        You’re welcome, Sheila 🙂

    • Ken 4 years ago

      Will you have a microchip in your body, as in your hand, or forehead?

  • Hadiza Aminu 4 years ago

    Quantum financial system
    Is an advanceced financial system launched to
    Eradicate the cabal and banksters monopoly on the monetary system

  • Olayemi Muyiwa Seyi 4 years ago

    This is a reset to banking as we know it. The decentralization of not just financial transactions but also true value at individual, and national level where the natural resources becomes a true reflection of the purchasing power of such a country.
    The Banks failed to give true value and selfishly devalued not just the financial capacities of the masses but the national sovereign power of nations having natural abundance.

    QFS through the power of CIPS and AI will restore true value to each living node.
    Inksnation has brought all these together in one fold. The Central banks would be wise to plug in to our decentralized ledger. As Inksnation moves from country to country, the pinkoin gives financial power back to the people. May this beauty, backed by the human asset become Nigeria’s beauty without delay. We have the gold, the oil and the most prized asset – humans.

  • Arogundade Arinola Olajumoke 4 years ago

    The QFS system used by Kim was created by a galactic race that is proficient in technology and we’re one of the races enslaved to build technology to assist Marduk to enslave and Rob the planet of it’s resources.
    Quantum financial is a key benefit of QFS is to protect all parties from corrupting.. Also the QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of assets backed funds

  • Ayooyedele 4 years ago

    Qfs is an advance financial system launched to eradicate the cabel and the bankers Monopoly on the monetary system
    I love the great work

  • Zainab baba 4 years ago

    Very tengible work

  • Richard 4 years ago

    That’s great

  • Wisdom Essien Enang 4 years ago

    I like inksnation

  • Wisdom Enang 4 years ago


  • Daniel 4 years ago

    What’s the question

  • Joseph Ogbonna 4 years ago

    Wooooow…This is very interesting and exciting.The QFS is a welcomed technology and innovation to this century of ours.
    The benefit and goodness of QFS is that money will not be monopolized by the government,rather our money will transfigured to valuable assets like the gold,platinum and silvers with means our money will be asseted to this valuable assets which will enhance the eradication of debts for countries who have issues with thier debts.In this way ,it can easily offset their bills.
    In other way too… citizens will no longer be regulated by banking systems on how to use their,that’s why CIPS in QFS will make transactions more easier for people based on international and national trading with their accounts….Woow..I so much love this innovation.
    I have learnt a lot already and it’s an eye opener also to those of us who are ignorant of the cuddles the bank has on our accounts

  • Mohammed iliyas 4 years ago

    May the God help and guide through every step

  • Mejamaa 4 years ago

    OK, this tells us world is gonna be come. I love my dady inks & my ummi inks…. Inks up up up

  • Nnadipatincechinwe 4 years ago

    I learnt that quantum financial system is an advanced financial system launched to eradicate cabal and bankster Monopoly on the monetary system.
    I also learnt that quatum financial system is a breakthrough in the world of banking which will lead to a new period of banking and it will never be influenced by the government.
    Another one is that quatum financial system will end corruption that could currently exist with regards to Centra banking system.
    2 quantum financial system is similar to strategic aboundance monetary system by both talk about Money.
    3 the one that is better to me is quantum financial system because quantum financial system is called the modern barter system in which you give value in order to receive something of equal value.
    Another one is that quantum financial system will be entirely backed by tangible assets like Gold, platinum and oil and will not be based upon mere piece of paper which has no evidentiary value.

  • Mary Howard 4 years ago

    Quantum financial system is a breakthrough in the world bank I.e lead to the new bank

  • Ejim Christian 4 years ago

    Well I think it a very good idea using technology system for making money
    I believe in future this will go a long way in helping our unborn generation not to stress carrying paper money . Secondly I think it will also help to eradicate poverty as well. Thanks

  • Abdulazeez 4 years ago

    (QFS) is an advanced financial system launched to eradicate the Cabal and the banksters Monopoly in the monitory sister, for that purpose, a system comprised of artificial intelligence complex computer program fully backed by Banks is needed.

  • Mujahid ahmad 4 years ago

    It a nice blockchain which the whole world will benefit from

  • Time Ekoro 4 years ago

    If all this happened as a result QFS, what would to employees. Can this system allow country like Nigeria import goods from china and pay with they currencies instead of paying with dollars.

  • Chinedu Paul 4 years ago

    QFS is a source that has the capacity to map the information source throughout the multi universe

  • Chris Hughes 4 years ago

    Sounds good — but it has to happen–is it necessary that Trump remains President for this to be brought into operation?
    The music on the video is loud and annoying –this takes away from the professionals of the slides, in my opinion

  • Sidney 4 years ago

    I’m interested in supporting this system, how do I invest

    • admin 4 years ago

      You don’t need to invest. The QFS will provide funds through NESARA/GESARA to you. There is no need to invest.

  • Grant Molyneux 4 years ago

    With the headquarters for the QFS being on the premises of Switch in Las Vegas, I am worried that it will be hacked again as it was last Nov 2020. What safe guards are in place to prevent this and who owns the AI technology controlling the whole QFS system?

  • Chelsea 4 years ago

    AMAZING! I’ve been learning about this and I started to speak about it tonight on Facebook, like me up,
    Chelsea Laine Collie on facebook. Did a live video tonight! Can anyone share with me where we’re at on the time frame?! I know DJT is still in control with white hats and still has military and space force. Most American are believing the lie. Let’s unite!!! I have many South African friends as well. Sending much love and light to you!!!


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