Victory In Sight – Esotericism and The Matrix (Inspirational)

Published on December 15, 2016 by admin

Victory In Sight – Esotericism and The Matrix 

This clip Victory In Sight was created by a fellow Fringe-Dweller a few years ago, however, I’ve not been able to find out who it is or how to contact him to credit him for the work that he did to create this clip. If you know who created it, please contact me.

There’s an awesome story behind the video, and those students of Stuart Wilde who are in the advanced stages of their studies will see this clip and completely comprehend what it means.

The Hero’s Journey

There are two levels within the message contained here. Firstly, we’ll look at the symbolism of the Matrix movie, which is The Hero’s Journey told via the modern day Christic figures of Neo, Morpheus and Trinity. Neo (Christ), once he had decided that he was The One, eliminated the incarnations of evil on earth by annihilating Smith and his clones. He then vowed to teach the people that they no longer needed rulers or governments or authorities outside of themselves in order to live their lives. In fact, outside authority does nothing that a man or a woman can’t do for themselves, really. So you’ll see the story of the ‘Vow to empower the people’ woven into this clip here.

Custodians of the Light

Many are unaware that we live in the days written about in the Book of Revelation, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse have incarnated here on earth, embodied in three people who are alive today and one who has recently passed, with multiple others who have shards of the same souls within themselves dotted all around the planet. They’ve all walked the same path as the one whom you see represented in the film The Matrix in their efforts to overcome the corruption and evil that exists on earth today. When you truly ‘get’ the message of The Matrix, you too can become a Custodian of the Light.


It’s very interesting to note that the Elite always announce their plans ahead of time. Almost always through Hollywood movies and through modern music. Yet so too do the Forces of Light (FOL). The FOL originally created cinematic movies and uplifting music to inspire the people. However, they now use those methods to announce ahead of time their plans for eliminating evil and empowering the people.

We’ve had the three Matrix films that have had a major impact upon the sleeping masses and have stimulated people’s awakening all over the planet. They have not only stimulated the people’s awakening, but have told the story of the Four Horsemen, the Trinity and the Renewal along with it.

Then there’s V for Vendetta, which helped to shape an idea within the mindset of the masses. No longer do all people blindly accept what their government tells them is true. There are many that have woken up because of that film.

Another great film is the movie Avatar. Avatar programs into the people’s minds the belief that we can all live in harmony. It opens people’s awareness to the fact that those in power care naught for the earth and her children.

The Message in this Clip

There’s a message in this video clip Victory In Sight. One that says that God’s children won’t have to suffer at the hands of tyrants for much longer. What has already been done in the spiritual dimensions has already changed the future of things to come. What is yet to be done in the physical dimension will free the people. It’s now just a matter of time before we see the full effect of all of that. We’ll also see the effect of other seeds that have been planted too. Those amazing few heroes of our current age planned for this victory many thousands of years ago. Nothing has been by chance.




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