The Circuitous Journey When I started the Redeemer’s Club I was surprised how many people came in that had been participants from my Warrior’s Wisdom seminars in Taos back in the early 1990s. There must be a karmic link between us like a family……..
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The Massive Power of the Alternative Media The big media networks NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN are dying, and the BBC in London has been ridiculed into submission because of their biased reporting of the Middle East and their protection of pedophiles in their midst.
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Shimmer in the Glimmer There is a dimension opposite us that I call the Aluna Mirror-World. There is a double of you in there that evolves as you evolve; in our world your right arm here is your left there. The dimension starts 18 inches from you, if you stretch out your arm it is […]
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Adaptability by Stuart Wilde M’ ol teacher said “Tolerate everything and skim the lake.” By ‘skim the lake’ he meant purify yourself and process your darkness bit-by-bit.
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Tales Bounced Off the Lonely Road Some years ago I mounted my high horse of indignation and I went out to fight evil: human evil, transdimensional evil, demonic ghouls, black magicians, anything satanic. I’d plough in like there was no tomorrow. I scored some fantastic successes – humdingers, but I suffered many more defeats. And […]
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The Spiritual Evolution of Animals Have you wondered if an animal has a soul and even an afterlife? My old teacher said that animals have group souls, one for each species or subspecies––akin to Jung’s idea of a collective subconscious for humans. My teacher also said that when a human comes into contact with an […]
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Emotional Techniques for Healing Yourself Consider these Emotional Techniques for Healing Yourself as a reminder:
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The Initiates by Stuart Wilde My old teacher was decades ahead of his time and a master of the gap. He knew this place wasn’t solid, and he was fearless in the way he moved in and out through the Hidden Door. The supernatural was natural to him; he knew the secrets of backwards and […]
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Perception and Sensuality All perception comes from softness so sensuality and softness go hand in hand. Psychic powers are a mental capacity and fraught with misinterpretation and interference from untoward energies. Softness is the morning mist of the eternal Tao—its ebb and flow as it wafts through the trees in a gentle breeze.
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Love and The Middle Way My ol’ teacher was a Taoist, he taught of the old sages in China and their wisdom and their gentle ways. There is a concept in Taoism called wu wei—non action. Here’s what Wiki’ says about it:
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