The Spiritual Evolution of Animals
Have you wondered if an animal has a soul and even an afterlife? My old teacher said that animals have group souls, one for each species or subspecies––akin to Jung’s idea of a collective subconscious for humans. My teacher also said that when a human comes into contact with an animal, no matter how minimal that contact might be, it begins the formation of an individual soul for that animal. Read more about the Spiritual Evolution of Animals.
Forming an Individual Soul
The animal exits the group-soul of its species to begin an individual soul of its own, with its own journey and personality and experiences, which are part animal in nature and part human as it interacts in day-to-day activities with its master or mistress. So by loving your family pet you create a soul for it. My teacher didn’t say what precisely happened to the animal’s soul once ya beloved pooch carks it for the great dog-box in the sky.
Human Superiority
The Bible says you can kill and eat anything. The men who wrote the Bible didn’t know about the human heart or the circulation of blood, in fact they knew very little about anything, and the writers of the Old Testament knew absolutely nothing about being nice to others, never mind animals. They were busy smiting the Philistines and stuff like that. They lived in a masculine, survivalist’s world of cruel, violent, self-obsessed people, so it is not surprising they didn’t respect animals.
Human Inferiority
We tend to think animals are lower than us, but all the scientists in the world couldn’t design and operate a bumblebee’s wing. Humans can’t jump or run very fast, and we can’t carry vast weights like an ant can. We can’t see in the dark and we can’t fly except crammed in a noisy tube like sardines, which doesn’t count. Humans compared to animals are almost totally deaf, and we can’t smell a fart in an elevator by their standards.
We are finite and separate, and neurotic, while the consciousness of an animal is at peace and eternal. We strive and go crazy to become more important. Animals rest and sleep and enjoy the company of each other. We think we have evolved upwards from animals but we have lost almost all of their qualities and abilities.
Have we Evolved?
We can make a bomb or carve a statue but it’s a statue to our importance, a power trip, none of it serves any real purpose. How do we know we have evolved upwards? If you judge us by warmth and kindness and inclusion, we are even more cruel and separatist than the people of Biblical times, who at least smote others while living in tribal units.
Animals usually live in collectives; we live in the suburbs.
Stuart’s Cat
We think animals don’t talk or communicate but that is just because we have become deaf listening to our own voice. My cat could talk. It had twelve distinct sounds, words it used, and two-dozen intonations of those sounds. When I opened the front door for it in the pissin’ rain at three in the morning, it had a two syllable, ‘thank-you’ type meow that had a ‘sorry’ intonation to it. If I opened the door in mid-afternoon the two syllables were still the same but the intonation was different. The cat could talk.
The cat got sick. The vet said it wouldn’t last long and that for forty quid we could murder it, “You’ll save that in cat food over time,” she said, hoping for some quick money. The cat looked at me and meowed a meow of distress. I quickly declined the vet’s offer. The cat lived another fifteen months and died peacefully in the garden under our favourite tree.
Animal Soul
The idea that animals don’t have consciousness or that they don’t have a soul is rather crass. It shows a lack of consciousness. They talk, they have families, they feel things, they act individually or together to solve problems, they often care of their young as a tribal unit. The animals play, they travel, and medicate themselves when they get sick. They cry when others in the herd die, they know about us humans. Of course they have a soul, a very pristine one. We humans are only now attempting with the recent rise in consciousness to achieve the soul that animals have naturally.
When I got through to the mirror world in August 2001 (see: An Awesome Journey), it was as if I was in the afterlife while still alive here on earth. In that dimension I saw loads of animals: dogs, cats, mice, horses, giraffes and two species of birds, an eagle and a robin. I was probably only looking at one small part of that vast world, maybe all animals are in there. I expect that is right.
The consciousness of an animal is eternal because it lives outside an awareness of time, floating in a perpetual now, while a human’s consciousness is finite and in the awareness of time. Some humans believe in eternity but their eternity is elitist and self-aggrandizing. It has only a diffused, hazy outline to it, not much at all, for in truth our human soul is small and inconsequential. What eternity will people see when they cross over to the mirror world and the afterlife? I don’t know the answer to that.
Treat Animals Kindly
A human is judged by how he or she treats others not by what they have acquired or what accolades they got in this life. And societies are also judged in part on how they treat animals. Those societies that treat animals poorly have no long-term spiritual future. In the eternity of things, their mistreatment is indicative of their national-soul that is devolving to become ever more ghoulish.
You don’t need to kill animals to survive and if you had to butcher the family pig for breakfast you’d think twice about bacon. Because you don’t see the misery and the sacrifice involved, one becomes insensitive to an animal’s pain––it’s a terrible sense of loss of companionship when you kill it. Not to mention the betrayal and the futile waste.
Of course, animals have a soul and the fact they have no voice that we understand is like saying the men of the Kalahari are not human because their language includes a series of strange clicking sounds, or the Kogis are stupid because they sometimes speak silently.
The True Position of the Human Soul
The most astonishing thing I learned from my journey was that the beings that control the evolution of this world and who can snuff us out at an instant, are not human. They are like nature spirits, part human, part animal. They’re the evolved spirit of the forest, the heartbeat of the great herds, the sound of trickling water. They are the eternity of our world. We are not the eternity, and even though we have developed clever minds we have yet to comprehend that. We are lower than nature and the animals, a lot lower.
For a grown human to be spiritually beautiful, he or she has to work hard to become that, and sustaining that spiritual beauty for any length of time is hard for we fall off balance very easily, yet nature is effortless in its effervescence and its beauty. It makes no exertion to be god-like. It is god in a Taoist way of things.
Guard Dogs
In the Morph journey I went on, dogs appeared as guards and they followed us for three years, some of the time they walked out of the mirror world and they appeared here in 3-D. You have to imagine an etheric, ephemeral dog sitting outside your hotel room all night. I have seen hundreds of those guards dogs. They understand what is going on and they serve as they probably did while still alive.
Eating Animal Flesh
Are there animals in the after life? Yes. Are all the species represented? As said, I don’t know. I think so. All the animals that have been loved by us are in there, I imagine. Is it a crime to eat an animal? I’d say it is not, not in the normal sense of the word, we are excused by our lack of awareness. But it is sad, for it involves sacrifice and pain and you ingest that pain; it becomes yours. You can never hide what it says about you as a spiritual being. The bodies of those animals are all there, in the x-ray of your soul in their entirety, feathers, bones, fur, whatever, like Post-it notes that talk to God about who you are – how clunky you are.
Animals See Who You Are
Where it may be a crime to kill animals is when you see those people that are behemoths of lard, three hundred pounds or more in weight, waddling through the parking lot at McDonalds. They are an affront to the godliness of the nature spirit and all things decent, for thousands of animals have gone down those podgy gullets for no reason at all. The people aren’t aware, they are comatose, but it doesn’t mean it’s right. And of course, being cruel to animals like cosmetic companies are in their testing of products is also an affront. Remember animals can think and hear. They know who you are, even if you are the smiling killer lulling them into a false sense of security.
The Arrival of a New World
I’ve wondered if animals take vengeance against humans once we arrive in the afterlife, I don’t know, maybe not, but certainly the god-like nature spirits who run everything have had enough of our antics if the visions we have seen are to be relied on. There is a new world descending upon ours, one that is soft and feminine and caring, and that caring will be extended to the animal kingdoms over time. I am almost sure of that.
When it is all over, there will be very few humans here on earth. The animals will inherit this world. It was always theirs, wasn’t it? I feel sorry for the animals it feels like we robbed them of their world and their tranquility.
© Stuart Wilde 2004 – All rights reserved.
PS … Psychologists in Leipzig have tested a Border collie called Rico who has learned two hundred words. He can understand whole phrases like “put the toy in the box”. Rico correctly retrieved thirty-seven out of forty toys from a basket and he can retrieve a toy that has an unfamiliar name when placed amongst six others. He was shown toys and given their names and not allowed to see them again for one month and he could often identify the correct item when asked. The scientists say Rico’s understanding of language is equivalent to a child three years old.
(Source: Daily Express – London June 2004)