Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21 (Political Speech)

Published on August 30, 2020 by admin

Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21

Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, at the Lord Monckton Launch 2 Feb 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Just in case you are not aware of Agenda 21, or Agenda 2030 now, the short video above gives an overview with examples of the agenda at work. Recorded in 2013, it is still as relevant now as it was then. Perhaps even more so.

Who is Ann Bressington?

Ann Bressington is a South Australian ex-politician. She is one of the few Australian politicians with integrity and guts enough to voice how politics is used against the public, and to what end. Bressington recently quit the game of Australian “polytricks” in disgust at the systemic corruption within her former profession. She came into the awareness of alternative media not long ago with her jaw-dropping speech exposing Agenda 21 that you can see in the video above. In it she implores the public to take action and say no to the encroaching transnational tyranny insidiously impacting us all.

President Trump’s Importance

This United Nations Agenda 21/2030 will be exposed and stopped during President Trump’s second term in office. President Trump effectively told this to the UN Assembly in his speech there in September of 2019. It is worth listening to in this context.

That is why so many people outside of the USA, like me, are following US Politics, the Q movement and the run-up to the Presidential election. We are all significantly affected by its outcome. There needs to be a complete realignment of current world politics and policies.

That is the implied promise from the Q drops. There needs to be a new alignment of policies that protect all life and is beneficial to all humans. Without massive depopulation, loss of an advancing civilisation and loss of our freedoms. That is also implied in the Q drops!

We live in interesting times.

What is Agenda 21?

Agenda 21 is a product of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, and it is the means by which Australians and Americans may soon be saddled with lower living standards. Agenda 21 is implementing “soft law” through ICLEI, which amounts to bribes and regulations imposed by state and local governments.

The majority of you need to open your eyes. The internet is a tool for open knowledge, however international relations have been turned evil by the music industry, social media sites, and “anonymity”. 

Constant Surveillance

The government is all around you. In your TV. In your smart phones. At your job. They are most likely online now, tracking this video and who is watching it. It is simply not normal for any one sector of society to have such a high influence on other areas of your life. Whether the influence over our lives is done through either music, media, or by the government, no one can deny that it’s there.

To remain free while you can, live life the way that you see fit. Don’t give in to the tyrannical demands of the government of any country in 2020. Resist! If you don’t resist, then for the next few years our old way of life won’t occur. Who would have thought that the New World Order would use a common cold to usher in global communism??

Evidence of a Long-Term Plan

On the cover of the book titled Reshaping the International Order, it states that this is a report from the UN to the ‘Club of Rome’, co-ordinated by Jan Tinbergen. That little old ‘club’ which exerts power over the UN, does exist. The book is published by Hutchinson of London.

The Agenda 21 (RIO) program is quoted in that book as being ‘Humanistic Socialism’. One might say that it’s despicable marxism rather than Humanistic Socialism. They want to kill and control us. They will just be more equal than we are! Stand up and fight! We are being indoctrinated by lies lies lies! and that includes the global warming scam.




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  • Kathy 4 years ago

    Hello. I am wondering if you have any updates on Ann Bressington. I can’t find anything recent with her addressing the COV 19 operation in relation to UN A2. Also, wondering if she’s ok (!) and if she’s involved in any organizing efforts in her country.

    • admin 4 years ago

      Hello Kathy, I am not aware of what Ann Bressington is doing at the moment, sorry.

  • Carlo Stupar 3 years ago

    All the ‘conspiracy’ is playing out in front of the AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC in 2022


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