AustraliaOne Party (Australian Politics)

Published on September 6, 2020 by admin

AustraliaOne Party

Australia cannot wait. Our politicians are betraying us all. We must take action now to stop the major parties destroying our nation. Politics is no longer about left or right. It’s now about what’s right and wrong. AustraliaOne Party is committed to strengthening Australia as a sovereign, self-reliant, Judeo-Christian western democracy which is:

  1. Economically powerful
  2. Militarily intimidating
  3. Politically free
  4. Culturally vibrant and
  5. Socially cohesive


AustraliaOne is the party for decent everyday Australians who want the best future for themselves, their families, their local communities and Australia. This needs all of us to take a stand.


We must take back control of our local councils, as well as our state and federal parliaments. No matter who you are, here’s your opportunity. Let’s help each other.

It’s time for Australians to take back their country. Please click here to go to the AustraliaOne website and join.

Aims and Objectives

Some of the aims and objectives of the Australia One Party are to have an Australian nation that:

a) upholds, defends and is dedicated to the principles of life, liberty, security and right to the pursuit of happiness of all Australian citizens and residents from conception to death irrespective of race, colour, creed or gender, subject to the unalienable rights of others.

b) recognises the beneficial role that the Christian world view and its teachings have had in shaping Australia’s development as a nation, its legal system and its foundational underpinnings as reflected in its laws.

c) upholds the Australian Constitution (1901) as the nations’ foundation, and recognises its laws and system of national sovereignty acting as a Constitutional Monarchy.

d) defends Australia and all nationals and citizens, its domestic and foreign interests, its land, sea, and air from:
i. physical aggression while playing its part as a world citizen with its allies to maintain peace, as required.
ii. all persons, organisations and nations who seek domination of or over, the Australian people.

e) upholds, defends and is dedicated to the principles of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition and to protect these from the threat of or actual, violence and suppression, subject to the lawful rights of others;

f) defends the freedom of the press including but not limited to all taxpayer funded organisations while they adhere to their obligations and limitations as per their agreed Code of Practice and all associated Acts and legislative standards.

g) is an intelligent, free, and democratic Australian democracy, maintained by:

i. an Executive, Legislature and Judiciary as detailed in the Australian Constitution 1901 as it provides for the federation of the States, whereby the Commonwealth government is designed to be a limited, accountable government that serves the States and their peoples.
ii. State Governments as detailed in the Australian Constitution 1901 as it provides for their stewardship of and over those areas outside those listed for the Commonwealth government, who serve the people and her interests,
iii. an adherence to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition speech subject only to the provisions of:

A. Libel and defamation
B. Incitement to violence
C. Sedition
D. Treason

and, as determined by an independent judiciary that encompasses trial by a jury of peers, with all Australian citizens, in Australia, being subject only to Australian Law.
iv. the freedom of citizens and residents to choose their own way of living and of life, subject to the lawful rights of others.
v. the principle that all men, women and children are created equal and independent; that from their equal creation, they derive inherent inalienable rights, among which are the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, subject to the lawful rights of others;
vi. the protection of all citizens and residents from exploitation.
vii. the right of all citizens and nationals, irrespective of race, colour, creed or gender
the right to equal opportunity not equal outcomes.
viii. the protection of, development of and use of all its natural resources in a responsible and efficient manner for the benefit of all citizens and residents, while maintaining the natural environment as practicable for the benefit of all Australians.
ix. the encouragement of citizens and residents and their personal initiative to, and enterprise of, their dynamic force toward progress, subject to the rights of others.
x. upholding and maintaining the principles of personal responsibility and accountability of all publicly funded Officials, Departments, officers and their decisions, and making these available to the public on request, provided the
security of the nation is not compromised now or in the future; and
xi. upholding and defending the Australian National Anthem, the Australian Flag and the Australian Coat of Arms as the only symbols used and recognised by all Government Departments and representatives, citizens, residents and visitors as representing Australia and all Australians irrespective of race, colour, creed, gender or prior national identity; facilitates its population having access to a comprehensive system of child and adult education designed to develop the spirit of true Australian citizenship, in which no regard to wealth or privilege shall be a determining factor and which:

i. has, as its fundamental and enforced priorities the studies of math, English, history, geography, and the sciences.
ii. is freely available to all nationals and citizens throughout Australia.
iii. is free from bias, ideological influence, racial division, denigration, gender identity coercion or any other ideological fad.

Gives every Australian irrespective of age, the encouragement to develop their inherent and individual talents to their full extent, recognising that from their ranks comes the leadership of our communities and our nation now and in the future.

Promotes and develops industry for the prosperity, security, safety and sovereignty of Australia and all citizens and residents.

Promotes primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, where new markets are developed, where the lot of citizens and residents are improved, rural amenities are increased, and industries are decentralised.

Has a fair and equitable taxation system designed to restore and maintain the conditions outlined in items j) and k).
promotes and implements laws ensuring the personal safety of Australian citizens, residents and guests, their property and unalienable rights are available to be maintained by the individual in the face of danger, using personal safety resources etc. etc.

See the AustraliaOne website for more details by clicking here.




Would you like to support our Foundation? Do you know of a teenage girl who loves to read books? Here’s a link to one of our fundraisers – a teen book titled The Bravehearts of Belgrave High. Click on the following link to read more:

The Tolemac Chronicles

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