Communists Socialism and Communism (Short Video Documentary)

Published on September 1, 2020 by admin

Communists Socialism and Communism

Excerpts from: G. Edward Griffin (April 3, 1969) More Deadly Than War: The Communist Revolution In America. Both this and the original documentary deal with Communists Socialism and Communism. You can watch the main documentary by clicking here.

Amazingly, G Edward Griffin almost 50 years later is still active physically and sharp mentally as an elderly man. His work has enlightened millions spanning several generations over many decades.

Everything in this clip and the main documentary is happening now. It is simply just more well developed. BLM, Antifa, Islam. These are all tools towards achieving division. Once complete, Communism is implemented. Beware USA. Never let your expanding government take away your amendments. Be warned – that is what the Democrats want and will do if given the chance.

Some Observations

If you watch this video you will realise that we have been encouraged to villainise McCarthyism and being too “paranoid” about communism. Why? Where did we get the idea that being suspicious of communism is evil or crazy? Because that was the Communists’ first campaign, to cement this idea into our heads through media and state ‘education’.

What G. Edward Griffin spoke of in 1969 was 98% of the way there prior to the 2016 election. Previously the Communists called themselves Republicans and Democrats, but no longer. The U.S. now has a government that is working towards Constitutional Law and Constitutional governing. The Communists used to be the presidents and politicians of the U.S.. The people who are in actual power, however, direct the leaders via the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and of course the U.N.

Watch G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy (Full Length) and learn something amazing.




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