Courage to Love Vanessa L. Williams (Movie)

Published on January 18, 2017 by admin

Courage to Love Vanessa L. Williams 

Courage to Love is an inspiring true story of heroism and love which illuminates the extraordinary life of Henriette Dalille, the first African-American saint. In pre-Civil War New Orleans, Vanessa Williams portrays the African American daughter of a plantation owner. Fighting her family’s wishes, she rejects the traditions of an arranged marriage and sets out on a journey fraught with danger.

It is 19th century New Orleans. As a result of inter-racial unions, a new class of coloured people has arisen. They are creoles, a result of relations between African-Americans and wealthy European people. Children are born, there is love, but marriage is out of the question. Society still deems that coloured people are not equal to white people. Henriette Delille is a very religious creole. She spends her time on education, care and helping out in church.

A Heart Divided

Henriette’s father Jean-Baptiste leaves her mother Pouponne to marry a white woman. Henriette is expected to meet her arranged future ‘caretaker’, Paul Cartier. However, she refuses to meet with him, defying every tradition and bringing her mother to madness. She becomes friends with the French doctor Gerard Gaultier. Gerard is in love with Henriette and he wants her to move to France so that they can be legally married. Henriette’s emotions are divided. She can’t decide between her feelings for Gerard and her devotion to the church. She must choose, but neither choice is going to be an easy one. There are people who greatly disapprove of Henriette’s ideas of breaking traditions.

Director: Kari Skogland, 2000   Stars: Vanessa Williams, Gil Bellows, Karen Williams




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