Crystal Visions about Crystals and Gemstones (Documentary)

Published on February 2, 2017 by admin

Crystal Visions about Crystals and Gemstones

This is a documentary titled Crystal Visions about crystals and gemstones, the oldest entities on our planet. We all have been fascinated by their beauty and magical properties. A close relationship between man and gemstones can be traced back thousands of years. Back to primitive cultures as well as ancient civilisations like the times of Atlantis. Why do they play such a significant role?

The makers of this film took us on a journey to find answers to those questions. They visited various sites and interviewed 6 experts, all with first-hand experiences of over 25 years of research and engagement. Amongst them were geologists, energy healers and a quantum physicist. Their approaches were each very different and their knowledge comprehensive, providing the film makers with scientific and spiritual understanding.

How Crystals Help Technology

This film shows how crystal technology has revolutionised and changed our civilisation. Crystals are used to make electrical equipment work. Especially the quartz crystal, which is a carrier and transmitter of information.

The film makers  continued to explore the different kinds of crystals, investigating whether they really have healing effects on humans. In a scientific experiment they were able to film how a physicist objectively proved the effects of crystal grids.

Crystals Affect Living Organisms

Crystals affect living organisms. To fully understand how crystals work energetically, we need to expand our minds. We need to expand our paradigm to include the whole world of subtle energies. Interacting with crystals and their energies has the potential to trigger and enhance human abilities.

Last but not at least, the film makers went to the stone circle of giant Earth Keeper Crystals. These Earth Keeper Crystals function as conduits for the energy body of Earth itself.

For beginners and experts alike, this documentary will take you along the intriguing journey into the world of gems and crystals.

Crystals are the oldest entities of Earth, still in their original bodies.   Wolfgang Hahl

Crystal Healing combines different fields of knowledge, not just examining scientifically OR spiritually, but in a holistic way.   Michael Gienger


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