Fiona Barnett The Candy Girl (Documentary)

Published on February 5, 2017 by admin

Fiona Barnett The Candy Girl

Fiona Barnett The Candy Girl is a film about the insidious evil that exists in Australia within the ranks of our politicians and leaders who are pedophiles. In this documentary film, Fiona recalls the many times that she experienced abuse at the hands of several politicians, actors and other famous people here in Australia.

This film is very disturbing, and even though the facts that are contained in this film need to be exposed, there is much resistance within the ranks of those in power to do anything about these matters. Nothing has been done to address the issue since the film’s creation in 2015.

Fiona’s Safety

In May of 2017 there was grave concern for Fiona Barnett as she had not be heard from since late January. She has since come out of hiding, and is now writing on her website regularly once again.

If you yourself have been sexually abused by a pedophile or pedophiles, this film might trigger memories of that abuse. Caution is advised…. prepare yourself, just in case it brings back haunting memories.

About Fiona Barnett

Fiona Rae Holowczak was born October 28, 1969, in Sydney, Australia. The surname Holowczak belonged to the man her parents believed to be her paternal grandfather. When Fiona was 15 years of age, her true paternal grandfather was located in Jelenia Gora, Poland. Fiona and her six younger siblings subsequently had new birth certificates issued featuring their actual surname – Rylko.

Fiona underwent another name change after marrying Englishman Jon Barnett. The couple reside with their two exceptional children on Australia’s far northern New South Wales coast. Jon is a blood relative to Toni Gardiner, the mother of King Hussein of Jordan.

Harassment and Targeting

Fiona is academic by nature and has spent too many years compensating for her poor public school education. She has studied visual arts, education, art therapy and psychology at a tertiary level. In 2010, Fiona had almost completed a masters in forensic psychology at a private Gold Coast university, when certain staff targeted her for removal from the psychology industry. This attack immediately followed her adherence to mandatory reporting legislation regarding disclosure of child abuse allegations by a client in the Bond University Psychology Clinic.

This attack was one of many endured since escaping her childhood perpetrators. Bond University staff conspired to mislead authorities regarding Fiona’s age at the time of her child abuse experiences. They reported her as an adult perpetrator, instead of a child victim of the crimes she experienced, to the Queensland Police and Psychology Board. Select staff within these government organisations then collaborated with Bond University to destroy Fiona’s chosen profession. They also targeted her physical safety.

Pedophiles Down Under

This pinnacle attack on Fiona’s life triggered a chain of events that led to the existence of the Pedophiles Down Under website. Tired of the constant threats to her family’s safety, and incessant sabotage of her efforts to participate normally in Australian society, Fiona realised she had no choice but to go public. In 2013, Fiona provided witness testimony to the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse. She simultaneously participated in mainstream media interviews and published a series of articles in a popular Australian online news journal.

Fiona’s public disclosure led to other Australian victims coming forward and requesting assistance and exposure for their experiences. Her official complaint against key perpetrator, and high profile Australian psychologist, Dr Antony Kidman immediately preceded his mysterious death in Singapore and attracted global attention.

Studying Law

Fiona has since relinquished any desire for acceptance or recognition within mainstream Australian society. She is currently studying law for the purpose of keeping her hungry brain satiated, and to better understand her legal rights and options in the face of perpetual threat and harassment from those who misuse their power and authority to maintain the VIP pedophile network’s agenda.

Yes – Fiona is ‘just an attention seeker’  

She seeks to draw the public’s attention to the true nature and extent of child sex trafficking within Australian society. This criminal industry depends on the clandestine support and involvement of representatives from all aspects of Australian government including legal, health and educational.

No – Fiona is ‘not normal’  

Comprehensive testing has consistently shown her cognitive ability to fall within the far right tail on the normal distribution curve. Her brain has unusual physical structure and function; it is denser and more interconnected. This permits Fiona to perceive patterns and relationships between seemingly unrelated bits of information. It allows her to think in a highly abstract and unconventional manner. It allows her to predict human reactions long before they happen, and to notice things others simply don’t. This unique capacity tends to unnerve observers, when it is simply the product of an unusually fast brain.

Fiona’s cognitive make-up also gives her a rare sense of empathy – the ability to place herself in other peoples’ shoes. This is why Fiona, while busy processing her own horror memories plus managing the constant barrage of physical attacks on her young family, musters the time and energy to help others. Her advocacy efforts were well demonstrated in the Gold Coast Hogtie Doctor case.

Taken from Fiona’s website: Pedophiles Down Under




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  • Pauline 3 years ago

    OMFG you poor brave woman! Many of us have been abused one way or another and this may help others to speak out.

  • Kristin White-Hebert 2 years ago

    I was molested at age 4. This gave me insight to my gifting into being able to predict a predator before I would get harmed again. My mother was sadistic & this led me into unworthiness which manifested in a marriage to the son of a nationally known serial rapist. I have the Redbook magazine that contains the article on him from January of 1993. I wasn’t even 10 when it was published. His name was Glenn Allen Hebert. His father & son both participated in horrible things, things I’m only now understanding. I married him twice. Why? My family was deceased, all of them, and I was approaching my 40s, both of my parents died at 47-48 years old. In between both marriages I helped rescue women from sex trafficking, the stories I heard as I taught women to cook would only overcome me when I was back to my cabin, unable to breathe bc my spirit was so broken. Your story was the first time since then that I’ve been shaken to my core in horror. Horror bc I’ve known since 4 how terrifying things can be. I’ve had to take bites out of your story, try to digest them, while tears plummeted down my face, with such brokenness over what you endured, a volcano of anger also came to be. I am currently going through divorce for the second time from this man. This time having found porn with women locked in cages being sodomized & urinated on. I was his Madonna, he could not have sex with me, but I hurt for those he called “whores” & the things he has most likely put them through. I sit with hard drives & computers, SIM cards that my forensic psychologist has warned me may contain pedo and/or beastiality on them. I learned that the police are often criminals themselves. I don’t know where to turn these things in to. I don’t know if I want to know what’s on them. I am a disciple of Yeshua, I hold no roots in any church because I’ve seen what also exists in the church when helping women of sex trafficking. Even now my heart is so sick from your story and what I was married to. I’m scared now, CPTSD, and hating to be touched at all. Your bravery is astounding, even now in my ears is that deafening plug & high pitched ringing that I only know as disassociation. I am so sorry for what you endured, the things you saw, the things done to you. There are no words, just the little girl echoing in me the screams I could hear coming from you when the video was silent enough to catch them. Your story along with a recent documentary on Jarrod Fogel has left my stomach contents right at the back of my throat as I’ve screamed for Yeshua on the floor of my bathroom trying to hold onto the floor as my world flipped around me. Sweet woman, I am so sorry. Your story echos that there is a God, and He only can change a bloodline like that. Thank you for being a catalyst for me to even type this with the shame that still haunts me. I was meant to live in these times although I’m not sure if my spirit can take it. Now I see predators even more clearly, at the grocery store, in line at the bank, walking with their families into churches. Horror.


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