Gayatri Mantra Meditation (Music for Spiritual Protection)

Published on December 1, 2016 by admin

Gayatri Mantra Meditation – Tyler and Wilde

This mantra is spoken in Hindi. If and when you start hearing negative thoughts in your mind, play this soundtrack through your music system loudly enough that it goes right through the house, and suddenly your thought patterns will change. The reason they will is because you’re not hearing your own thoughts. Instead, you’re hearing the projections of negative entities who are trying to make you feel bad about yourself or fearful of things to come. The minute that you play this audio, all of the words will either quieten or stop completely. The ghouls flee because they can’t stand the resonance of this track.

Play this mantra daily to clear the space around you of negative energies. It is very powerful.

Gayatri Mantra is a Hymn from the ancient Indian scripture RigVeda (10:16:3), also often repeated in other scriptures like Upanishads, It is attributed to sage Vishwaamitra. It is called Gayatri Mantra or Savitri Mantra because it is directed towards goddess Gayatri, who is not considered a deity or demigod, but the single supreme personality.

Gayatri is recited by a spiritual aspirant to remember the higher purpose of life, it can also be a invocation or prayer to the supreme god to lift our consciousness upwards.

It is usually recited by the people who consider ‘knowing the ultimate truth’ as the primary purpose of their life. Here are the words:

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

Here are the meanings to the words:

(O) Supreme one; (who is) the physical, astral (and) causal worlds (himself).
(you are) the source of all, deserving all worship
(O) radiant, divine one; (we) meditate (upon you)
Propel our Intellect (towards liberation or freedom)

About Richard Tyler

This version of the Gayatri Mantra is available as a free download from the following link to Richard’s website Richard Tyler has been creating ambient, meditative, new age and therapeutic music since the early 90’s. Originally from British Colombia Canada, Richard studied music in New York City, and later became a student of metaphysical author/teacher Stuart Wilde. Theravada Buddhism and metaphysics are the foundation of Richard’s creative inspiration.

About Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde (1946 – 2013) is considered by many to be the greatest metaphysical teacher who has ever lived. Most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him, or they have been greatly influenced by his work.

In the 1980’s, Wilde accurately described the etheric energy field that exists around humans in precise detail. It is our spiritual life force. Previously, it was known only in vague terms in discussions about the human aura. Wilde wrote out the first of many precise and verifiable etheric exercises and sensations in his book The Quickening.

In 2001, Wilde discovered the Morph phenomenon. This phenomenon is a process by which physical reality goes transparent and soapy-looking and humans dematerialise.

Stuart watched the transcendental nature of the Morph for eight years. During that time he gradually wrote out in detail the topography and exact nature of the Spirit Worlds. He named them the Aluna, Mirror-Worlds. Much of that information has since been verified by many others, who have greatly added to his initial work.

Over the last ten years of his life, Stuart Wilde published hundreds of his visions, many of which have now come to pass.




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