How Internet Censorship Works (Short Documentary)

Published on August 27, 2020 by admin

How Internet Censorship Works

In this short documentary titled How Internet Censorship Works, we look at how the companies who control the internet are censoring it. They are thus preventing us from being able to access information that can help us protect our rights and freedoms.

Information may want to be free, but a lot of governments feel otherwise. Internet censorship is a global issue with huge ramifications for business, political speech, and personal liberty. Authorities use a variety of methods to block, filter and hide data. Even some Free World governments block access to certain Web pages and services like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Most restrictive: Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Countries Under Surveillance: Australia, Bahrain, Belarus, Eritrea, Malaysia, Russia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates. Germany, Poland and France, among others, force search engines to filter materials; the European countries ban sites promoting Nazi activities.


Here I outline How Internet Censorship Works. Symptoms of filtering or blocking include: Web pages not loading; “Connection Reset” messages; blocked sites reappearing; instant messaging not working.

Censors use four basic filtering techniques: DNS Block; IP Block; URL Keyword Block; and Web Content Keyword Block.

  • DNS Block: Name lookup fails or an ISP redirects it to another site.
  • IP Block. This approach forbids packets to a specific host based on IP address. It usually results in a “timed out” error.
  • URL Keyword Block. Triggered by a word or contextual sense. Images and links may fail to load; frequent when using a search engine.
  • Web Content Keyword Triggers Block. “Connection Interrupted” errors, often temporary, difficult to replicate; resemble technical problems.


China’s “Great Firewall” relies on a handful of fiber-optic cable choke-points to manage data flow; computer blacklists and humans monitor information. 99% of content flows unscathed into China. Most blocks involved sensitive subjects such as “Tibet” or “Tiananmen Square.” Interruptions wane with foreigner-heavy events such as Olympics or conferences. Foreigners and dignitaries may find open access at hotels.

Stacking the Deck

Saudi Arabia admits to blocking over 400,000 sites touching on religion, human rights, Israel, and other topics. North Korea provides almost no Internet access. Only high-ranking government officials and diplomats can connect. Some countries, including China, block services such as Skype, Facebook and Twitter to stack the deck in favour of domestic firms.

Proxy servers and VPNs are common tools used to bypass censorship. Alternative download sites, peer-to-peer networks, and e-mail, along with USB sticks, help users around censors.

Australia and the Internet

In Australia, you cannot find information about anything other than what the mainstream media wants us to know now. I recently made the mistake of telling a friend to do his research when he called me a conspiracy theorist. What happened was that when he did do his research, the only information that he found was that which supported his current disabled point of view.

Freedom of Information

I had forgotten that I have been researching information for 25 years and that the internet was very different back in 1995 when I first started to use it. You could find truthful answers to anything back then. That amazing freedom of information lasted for a good 20 years. You can’t get access to the same level of information now though. There is so much censorship of the internet that only if you know which sites to go to can you find the information that tells the truth.

Using Social Media Platforms

The window of “allowable speech” is collapsing. The evil, authoritarian tech giants like Google, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are obliterating any remaining shred of free speech, a universal human right. They are also obliterating the truth of history, as well as the intentions of those in power. Intentions that are far from honourable. Intentions that are laid out clearly on the Georgia Guidestones.

In America, at first they targeted Trump supporters and conservatives. Then the censorship targeted Christians and people quoting Bible scripture. Now, they’re censoring all speech about vaccines, GMOs and natural cancer cures.

Closing the Door

If this isn’t stopped, US internet users will soon be:

  • Banned for talking about nutrition, including natural food cures for diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
  • Banned for criticising LGBTP pedophilia indoctrination of children, or the organised rape of children by transgender perverts who are now apparently an “untouchable” class of child predators.
  • Banned for criticising any Democrat who isn’t a white male, regardless of how insane their failed ideas might be.
  • Banned for pointing out that “climate change” is a grand hoax perpetrated by dishonest science quacks who faked the data.
  • Banned for loving America or calling for defending America’s borders.
  • Banned for citing history, using quotes from Gandhi or America’s Founding Fathers.
  • Banned for saying that men and women are not identical, since the deranged, delusional Left now insists they are exactly the same and have no physiological or biological differences.
  • Banned for exposing the crimes or corruption of any Democrat, such as the #ClintonBodyCount fiasco surrounding the Clintons.
  • Banned for sharing any meme that makes progressives look stupid (which isn’t difficult to do).

Use Alternative Platforms

This is why moving to alternative platforms is so crucial. Get off Facebook. Stop using Google. Walk away from Twitter. Find and explore alternative services such as Gab, DuckDuckGo, GoodGopher dot com, Fetch dot news, Censored dot news, or Brighteon dot com the free speech alternative to YouTube. Or, of course, here.

Australians and New Zealanders are faced with all of the same issues. New Zealanders by percentage are more awake than Australians. Australians need to wake up very fast or we are going to find ourselves in a repeat of Nazi Germany, unfortunately.

Sections of this article are written by Mike Adams of




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