Infinite Power Stuart Wilde part 1 (Audio Lecture)

Published on January 2, 2017 by admin

Infinite Power Stuart Wilde part 1

Stuart Wilde teaches listeners how to consolidate their inherent power and transcend all limitations by releasing themselves from the constraints of their egos. Ego traps the individual, according to Wilde, and it is never happy for very long, always wanting more, whether it’s a new job, new relationship, or bigger bank account.

Stuart can be extremely funny at times. He likes to take the seriousness out of life, and nothing is sacred to him. To show you an example of the humour in his books, read the following:

On Being an Asshole

“If you want to flow down the eternal river of perception toward your Infinite Self, you’ve got to let go of the branch you’re hanging on to and let the river take you. That means facing your insecurities and fears and really looking at yourself. Sometimes that can be a bit painful because what you see is piles and piles of caca—loads of it. And you say to yourself, My God, I’m grim. I’m totally assoholic. I need to join Assoholics Anonymous. I am so assoholic it’s painful. Then, once you can observe how assoholic you are, love yourself. Look in the mirror and say, Man, this is one of the world’s greatest idiots, but I love him, I love her, and I’m going to change them.” sw

On Having Money

“People have to be secure in order to transfer their money to you. Never forget that. How you make them secure is to not come at them from above (action, yang) telling them how marvelous the product is and how marvelous you are. Instead, work on their comfort zone first, keeping silent for the most part, leading things along effortlessly by asking questions (nonaction, yin). When you do get to talk, be sure to tell them that everything is cozy, safe, and secure. People need to hear that. Work on their positive energy, and tell them about the good fortune that is about to descend upon them in these exciting and positive times. Then, and only then, mention the dumb screws.” sw

Listening to or reading Stuart Wilde will do one of two things – it will either radically change your life for the better, or you won’t get his humour and style and you’ll toss the book out the window or turn off what you’re listening to. But those who do get it and who do finish listening usually go on to read or listen to more or all of his writings and works.




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1 comment

  • Jamie Redmon 3 years ago

    Stuart Wilde changed my entire life. I could never ever thank him enough. I have had the most IMPOSSIBLE miracles happen to me all because I applied his teachings and especially the Miracle Action Plan, it works beyond anything I could have never imagined was possible that could have ever happened to the most holy of holiest person on this planet. If you want to hear the most incredible life story EVER, you can call me anytime. My name is Jamie Redmon, my number is (701)240-1843. Thank you so much, Jamie


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