Jesus The Lost 40 Days (Documentary)

Published on December 4, 2016 by admin

Jesus The Lost 40 Days

In this interesting documentary titled Jesus The Lost 40 Days, the History Channel attempts to explain what Jesus did in the 40 days after his crucifixion. Topics include:

  • The Shroud of Turin
  • The scrolls found in Egypt at Nag Hammdi
  • Jesus’s appearance to Mary Magdalene
  • His appearance to Emmaus
  • The appearance of Jesus in the upper room
  • Jesus’s appearance to Thomas – who doubted him
  • The appearance of Jesus at the Sea of Galilea
  • His appearance just prior to His ascension

Christ’s 40 Days Post Resurrection

Through the scientific analysis of the Shroud of Turin, the theory that Jesus rose from the dead appears now to be a fact. Jesus’s resurrection becomes a more likely reality once the evidence from the analysis of the Shroud of Turin is presented.

From a more metaphysical perspective though, one only has to look at the amazing feats of the magician Dynamo who walked on water across the Thames River in 2011 to realise that our reality isn’t solid. Stuart Wilde often spoke of how this 3D existence that we all believe is fixed is not in fact fixed at all. So why would it be so unbelievable that Jesus walked on water, or transfigured, or turned water into wine, or for that matter, rose from the dead?

Stuart Wilde Dematerialisation

I personally witnessed my teacher Stuart Wilde disappear in front of me. He appear before me in transfigured form on six different occasions, and I know that he turned water into wine at one of his gigs. I am also aware of his visits to Australia that you’ll never find listed on his passport – he just teleported himself into and out of the country on these occasions. On at least one occasion he visited me in transfigured form in Australia. He is said to be the most powerful metaphysician who has ever lived, which I totally know to be true.

One of Stuart’s well known trainings was titled The Redeemer’s Club. It is my strongly held belief that he was and is the Returned Jesus, so of course his training package is going to be called The Redeemer’s Club. After all, he’s the Returned Christ spoken of in the Bible’s last chapter The Book of Revelation. He’s the Reedemer who went back in time and dictated to St John the words you read there. The Grey Haired Man.




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