Legend of Atlantis (Documentary)

Published on February 23, 2017 by admin

Legend of Atlantis

The Legend of Atlantis narrates: Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilisation was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis. A dark age began and the battle of Atlantean gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings before the fall to Egypt.

Through all civilisations and with inspiration from extra-terrestrial guards the secret Atlantean brotherhood managed all political systems with an educational mission. The thrilling documentation shows for the first time the secret activities of a brotherhood in relations with invisible masters from Shambhala and Agharta and the secret about the hollow earth. Incredible real footage from the Australian island of Tasmania.

Following the catastrophe in Atlantis all nations were dispersed. A part of the Atlantean brotherhood’s secret knowledge survived in Egypt, in India and in Tibet. The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind during the dark age… through Atlantean knowledge and through all ages.

In modern times the Freemasons, Templars and Illuminati brotherhoods were formed. After World War I the Neutemplerorden and Thulesociety emerged in Munich and Vienna. New occult sects which saw ‘Satan’ in the old Freemason lodges. With Hitler these occult sects came to power.

This thrilling documentation shows for the first time the background of the Third Reich and its intellect which led to the catastrophy of World War II…

Our God-Connection

During the time of Atlantis, humans still recognised that they are a part of god on earth, and that nothing exists separately from god. They were conscious that if they are a part of the creational spirit, then they have the same powers. The creational spirit has been materialised for millions of years, but humans possess it dormantly within themselves. Yet the almighty powers are waiting to be awakened. Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilisation was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis.

The Battle of the Atlantean Gods

A dark age began and the battle of the Atlantean gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings before the fall to Egypt. Through all civilisations and with inspiration from extra-terrestrial guards the secret Atlantean brotherhood managed all political systems with an educational mission.

Following the catastrophe in Atlantis all nations were dispersed. A part of the Atlantean brotherhood’s secret knowledge survived in Egypt, in India and in Tibet. The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind during the dark age…through Atlantean knowledge and through all ages.

Atlantean Secret Knowledge

Atlantean secret knowledge explains the legend of mankind. It explains  about those whose souls have to undergo cycles. With the fall of Atlantis a high civilisation cycle had ended. All prophecies point to another ending arriving soon. More recent Earth changes point out that today’s mankind has reached the end of the next experience cycle.

Millenniums have passed since the high culture of Atlantis sank with a catastrophe. Its fall was due to the abuse of power by some corrupt scientists. All humans from that time who experienced a descent into the dark age are being reincarnated today.

Last Days

For millenniums the secrets of creation were exclusively limited to an elite of secret societies. Now we have entered the so-called Last Days where these secret societies like the Freemasons and the secret political lodges lose their power.




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1 comment

  • Florus 3 years ago

    this is the best Dokumentrie to find!

    I have been searching for the full version of this film for ages! thank god for putting it on your website for people to watch.


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