Quest Fusion and The Initiate Stuart Wilde (Audio Lecture)

Published on January 13, 2017 by admin

Quest Fusion and The Initiate Stuart Wilde

This audio lecture, Quest Fusion and The Initiate was recorded in Copenhagen in 2000. In it you’ll hear his formula for how to open to your quest. Also, how to fuse your life so that you can offer from who you have become something of value to the world.

Stuart Wilde was a comedian. He was funny, brash, quick-witted and sometimes shocking.  Many comedians are shocking and rough – it’s part of the entertainment.  They will shake you up and make you think. The difference between other comedians and Stuart Wilde was and is (through his books and audio recordings) that he’s a dedicated, brilliant, unique, spiritual seeker and teacher.

This Stuart Wilde audio is funny, entertaining, enlightening,  at times vulgar and yes, he does sound tired … so what? If you want to listen to something funny that has nothing of value in it, go listen to Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Sam Kenison, Eddie Murphy, Andrew Dice Clay and see how enlightening their comedy acts are. They may make you laugh, but the dialogue is all all about judgment, disappointment, intolerance, and sex – they have nothing enlightening or encouraging to offer.

Freeing People from Self-Imposed Limitation

Stuart’s job is to rattle our cages. If you’re rattled, then he has achieved his goal. His vision was to free people from their self imposed prisons in their minds. Freedom from fear, freedom from judgement, and the freedom to open your heart, stop being angry and be fearless.

I saw Stuart speak at the Sydney Entertainment Centre sometime around 1993, and he began his talk with “Well if you easily offended by the f word you may as well leave now.” He then started to say “fuck the whales, fuck the pope, fuck this, fuck that etc…” and about 1% of the people walked out. Then, after all the conformists had gone, he gave one of the most awesome talks on freedom that I have ever heard.

The Catholic teachings are a big, nasty, destructive lie to get us to worship being enslaved. So too are the New Age teachings. For they focus on all the fluff and niceties and forget about the dark stuff. There’s a war on ‘god,’ a war on nature. A war that is perpetuated through sexual repression and the redirection of sexual inclination. That war wants people to head towards same sex relationships and deviancy. Unless people wake up and break free of their indoctrinated belief systems, they can’t avoid becoming a prisoner to the fear and manipulation that they are being fed.

Stuart’s Irreverence 

The following words could be heard only faintly in the background at the first few minutes of this audio lecture 😉 “But some people are so ass-a-holic, they disrespect the fact Stuart made this wonderful presentation available. In fact they’re so super-ass-a-holic, they don’t even get the message of Stuart Wilde. Instead they try to turn him into some kinda sacred ‘guru,’ which is precisely what he never wanted.”

Stuart Wilde is considered by many to have been the greatest metaphysician in the world this past century. In his last fifteen years he had over 100,000 visions, which taught him a vast body of information not available elsewhere. Many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers privately studied with him when he was alive, or they were greatly influenced by his work. Nowadays, there is a body of journalists that follow his work and restate it in articles in their own words.

PS. If you would like to know how to blow open the crown chakra in 4 minutes, google “Stuart Wilde chakra” and select the search result that says and the “Sixth Sense” book pages are displayed with the exercise.



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