Scott Kesterson Explains the Covid-19 Virus (Audio Interview)

Published on July 22, 2020 by admin

 Scott Kesterson Explains the Covid-19 Virus

In this mind blowing interview, Scott Kesterson Explains the Covid-19 Virus.  He also explains the need to return to the original American Constitution of 1776. This interview is very succinct.

Global Spiritual Revolution Radio of New York was so very blessed and very honored to have return to their show Pastor Scott Kesterson. Scott is the host of The Bards of War Podcast. Scott’s interview so powerfully articulates the mind of GOD. He does this through the powerful topic: “Returning to the Original American Constitution of 1776”.

God has anointed and led President Donald J. Trump to bring America back to their true and original Constitution of 1776. This will be done by dismantling the 1871 CORPORATE CONSTITUTION which was created by the Vatican (Pope Pious IX) with the assistance of Rothschild’s financial backing.

There are other interviews that will help make more sense as to how or what was actually bio-engineered and released. They will explain if it goes beyond smart dust in regards to the “virus.” The virus also seems to be related to the flu shot…

In order to understand why Trump seems to be pushing 5G (which he signed off on) one needs to realise that 5G was originally meant to use China’s dangerous Huawei’s 5G system, which Trump blocked. He signed an executive order for 5G to be built in the U.S. using American infrastructure.  Please click here and here to read more about it.

This interview with Scott Kesterson occurred in the month of April, 2020.





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  • Monna 4 years ago


  • Kitti Taylor 4 years ago

    My husband and I thought the Covid started prior to Dec. 2020, because his sister got really sick in Dec. with double pneumonia. When March rolled around, we started to believe she already had the virus. We are not “testers” and only take vaccines if forced by our jobs (hospital and airforce). When we realized the left was pushing the pandemic scare, we knew we would not participate in the testing scam.
    I never thought that the “tests” could have also been vehicles for the virus as well. It’s pretty frightening to think that we are only guinea pigs for the agenda of big government. How did you come up with that information/ conclusion? Just curious.

    • admin 4 years ago

      When you know what the agenda is for the world by the Cabal and the Communists, it’s not difficult to come up with those conclusions.

  • Lou 4 years ago

    You know, the Bible in the parable of the sower speaks of the Tate’s planted bh the evil kne. These are the Hebrew “kenites” or the sons of Cain; that is male descendants of Cain. There’s your evil bloodline of today.


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