The Little Money Bible part 1 by Stuart Wilde (Audio Book)

Published on March 12, 2017 by admin

The Little Money Bible part 1 by Stuart Wilde

In this wonderful little ‘money bible’, Stuart Wilde presents the ten laws of abundance and money, showing us that we can align effortlessly with good fortune! Stuart reveals the psychological aspects of the money game, as well as the deeper secrets of prosperity. He reminds us that comprehending the ebb and flow of money in our lives is one of the great spiritual lessons of life, as are physical balance, love and interpersonal relationships. Throughout history, philosophers and great religious leaders have taught that there is divine abundance, which ebbs and flows through our lives as the seasons do. Money is just a symbol of the infinite goodness that gave us life. Basically, Stuart lets us know that we can be rich and be spiritual. With wealth, we can help others strengthen themselves so that they can also accumulate money. Abundance, Stuart reminds us, is our birthright!

Stuart Wilde: Early Life and Career

Stuart Wilde was born on September 24, 1946 in Farnham, England. He has a twin sister and they both enjoyed the performing arts in their early lives. Wilde joined the English Stage Company after he graduated from George’s College. Shortly thereafter, he began a jeans business during the 1960s and became a financial success. At the age of 28, Wilde became interested in the self improvement ideas found in Taoist philosophy and these ideas helped form the basis for his first book, ‘Miracles‘.

Miracles‘ was a success and Wilde became popular on the lecture circuit at New Thought churches and at various New Age conferences throughout the world. He appeared with big names such as Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and Deepak Chopra.

Because of his humourous nature and philosophical insights on life, he gained a large, loyal following and had a profound influence in the New Age movement. In 2001, he was named on CNET’s “Top 10 List: Human Development Gurus” along with Tony Robbins, Richard Bandler, Steven Covey, and other big names of the time.

Stuart Wilde: His Beliefs and Message

Wilde called the limited hum drum status quo of most people’s lives, “Tick-Tock.” He believed that people were waking up to the fact they do not have to live their lives constrained by Tick-Tock mentality.

Wilde based his self improvement advice around meditation and affirmations. He believed that by quieting the mind through meditation, one can control their life, even develop ESP, and see visions. The goal is to end a life of struggle and live a life of freedom and bliss. To do that, he believed that financial independence is needed. So to that end he wrote a few books on using metaphysics to attain money.

Stuart Wilde was also a believer in the use of affirmations, or repeating positive statements, in an attempt to retrain our brains and create self-talk that will change our beliefs and therefore change our lives for the better. Some of the teachings of Wilde ventured into areas that some of his readers may not be willing to enter. For example, perceiving parallel worlds, government oppression, and having visions of gods and aliens.

Stuart Wilde was a peace activist, vegetarian, and supporter of animal rights. He believed in a ‘live and let live’ philosophy.

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