The Lost Gospels (Documentary)

Published on June 8, 2020 by admin

The Lost Gospels

This documentary is about The Lost Gospels that were found in Egypt and other places. It explores the huge number of ancient Christian texts that didn’t make it into the New Testament. Shocking and challenging, these were works in which Jesus didn’t die, took revenge on his enemies and kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth. It portrays a Jesus who is unrecognisable from the man found in the traditional books of the New Testament.

Multiple Scriptures

Pete Owen Jones travels through Egypt and the former Roman Empire looking at the emerging evidence of a Christian world that’s very different to the one we know. He discovers that aside from the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, there were over seventy gospels, acts, letters and apocalypses, all circulating in the early Church.

Through these lost Gospels, Pete reconstructs the intense intellectual and political struggles for orthodoxy that was fought in the early centuries of Christianity, a battle involving different Christian sects, each convinced that their gospels were true and sacred.

The Da Vinci Code

The worldwide success of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code sparked new interest, as well as wild and misguided speculation about the origins of the Christian faith. Owen Jones sets out the context in which heretical texts like the Gospel of Mary emerged. He also strikes a cautionary note. If these lost gospels had been allowed to flourish, Christianity may well have faced an uncertain future. Perhaps it may not have survived at all.

The Gnostic Texts

The Gnostic texts weren’t included in the texts of the church because they state that anyone can save themselves, that heaven is inside of us, and that you don’t need any institution to show you the way. The church couldn’t have control over people if they knew that. The Catholic church is the biggest establishment of liars in human history.

The Gospel Of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas is teaching the born again believer how to access the power and inner kingdom of God within. That is, by knowing who the believer is in God and who God is in man. It releases the believer to no longer bound to the illusion that God and man are separate. “For as a man thinketh so is he!” Prov. 23:7  More knowledge is more wisdom.




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