The Religion About Jesus by Alan Watts (Audio Lecture)

Published on December 1, 2016 by admin

The Religion About Jesus

In The Religion About Jesus, Alan Watts speaks about the authority that one has over their own thinking. Dishing out on religions that take away the people’s power to think for themselves, he also dishes individual people’s tendency to hand over their power to those whom they place in authority over their lives.

He chooses to regard the first four gospels as historical accounts of what went on at the time. Mystical theology abounds in the text of the Gospel of St John. John’s knowledge of the topography of Jerusalem and his knowledge of the Jewish calender is more accurate than that of the other three writers Matthew, Mark and Luke. So it seems that Jesus gave St John more of his inner secrets and mystical theologies. Certainly more than what he gave to the other disciples. This would ring true, seeing as how John was one of Jesus’s two most favoured disciples, the other one being Mary Magdalene.

Esoteric and Exoteric

The exoteric teachings that Matthew, Mark and Luke teach are the teachings that Jesus gave to these disciples because they are for the majority of people at large. They are not for the small number of people who are meant to understand the deeper hidden truths. Milk for babes, meat for the spiritually mature.

Jesus’s whole philosophy taught that we’re all a small part of God.  That each of us is a son or daughter of the most High. It has been the Catholic Church who has placed themselves as an intercessory between the general population of humanity and God. If you were to announce “I am a son of God!” you’d be right. If you were to announce “I am the son of God,” they’d whisk you away in a straight-jacket.

Limited by Perception and Beliefs

Alan Watts says that people are entitled to believe whatever they want to believe. He also says that most automatically written philosophy – the kind that people believe are part of the Bible – is distorted as it comes through. It is limited by people’s perception and their grip on language, and their previous teachings and belief systems.

In the Upanishad, we are all Divine manifestations of God. We are all Brahmin. Supra-personal manifestations of God. Everyone is a mask in which the Brahmin plays a role. The divine spirit becomes so absorbed in playing the role, that he or she becomes it. When you were a baby, you knew who you were. As you became an adult you learn what is you and what is not you, despite the fact that we are a part of the ocean of life and every action we take has a reaction somewhere in the Universe.

Human beings need to realise Union with God. Jesus of Nazareth was a human being like Buddha, like Sri Rama Khrishna, who early in life had a colossal experience of what we call Cosmic Consciousness. Now you don’t have to belong to any particular religion to have this kind of experience. When it hits you, you know it. Sometimes it comes after disciplining oneself for a long time, and sometimes it comes for no reason at all.

What Christ would have wanted was for all people everywhere to help each other to realise that we are all one with God. Not to create separation and division, but to help one another to remember who they are.

Jesus was a Multi-Dimensional Being

Alan Watts comprehends a certain amount of the truth of who Jesus was/is, but he doesn’t comprehend all. In this lecture he says that Jesus knew nothing of Indian philosophy, or of the Hindu philosophy.  Jesus was/is someone who definitely did and does know about these things because he was/is multi-dimensional. Meaning that he had/has shards of his soul placed into many, many different earthly bodies, dimensions and galaxies.

Jesus was an incarnation of Sri Rama Krishna who was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Buddha was an earlier incarnation of that same Being, as Buddha was an earlier incarnation of Lord Vishnu. This one aspect of Christ is something that Alan Watts fails to get. However, we can forgive him for that because he just doesn’t know.  Alan teaches alot of very good information, but on this particular point he fails quite badly.

Keep that in mind when listening to this recording.




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