The Unity of Geometry by Jonathon Quintin (Documentary)

Published on August 5, 2020 by admin

The Unity of Geometry by Jonathon Quintin

The Unity of Geometry by Jonathon Quintin is a documentary that explains the mathematics of nature.

“Pythagoras described geometry as visual music. He demonstrated how the same ratios of the musical scale also appear in geometry. The same ratios between the musical intervals of the Pythagorean scale are the same ratios found in the shapes and forms of geometry. With music they are measured in time, with geometry they are measured in space.”

“There is a profound order to the universe that stands independent of chaos, space and time. This order is in the form of pure mathematical principles and can only be known to us through geometry.

We ourselves are a part of this divine order. We’re both a drop in the ocean as well as the ocean in a drop. We are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm and are encoded with all the information of the universe. Yet we only use a fraction of our full ability.

The shapes, patterns and forms that emerge from the circle and sphere are keys that can unlock our potential and awaken us to super-consciousness and the inter-connectivity of all things.”

Jonathan Quintin




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